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Thursday, September 10, 2009


... There is a movement afoot today to shut the mouths of the Bible believing Christian. It is not the first time I've been instructed to hush my mouth but recently I was instructed that comments like mine, warning of the dangers of Rodney Howard Brown and his charge at Lakeland Church, in Florida, to close your Bibles, God is not going to speak to you from there, were heresy, are the voice that have wrought great damage to the church universal.
... My answer to these charges has always been the Word of God. Here I went to Second Timothy, First Timothy 6:20 and First Corinthians 16:13 Be on your Guard, stand firm in the faith. The most notable truth about the attempts to silence the strong voice of God is that they almost never offer any scripture, as was this last case, and when they do it is scripture that is ripped from it's context and is severely misapplied.
... The very moment that the Godly Man does nothing, evil takes hold. If we know the truth and we allow people to intimidate us we end up watching the TV News and seeing incidents like the Waco Tragedy and the Jonestown Suicides. It is increasingly popular today to silence the man that has chosen the Narrow Path but I tell you that the moment you forget who you are and the Commands of Him that called you, you have become an unfaithful servant. We must always remember Rom. 8:31, in the crowd of a thousand lost men, God and I alone are the majority.

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