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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Living the Christian Life

In Hebrews 11:37-40 there is a truth worthy of notice for any man that will teach the truth, according to God. There are two kinds of prophets and the world knows only one of them. The first is the one that God speaks to about future events for the benefit of the world to know what is going to happen and the second is a teacher/preacher of the Word of God, giving life application to what God has spoken. I, because God called me, fall into the second class, I'm a teacher!

From the year of my fifth Spiritual Birthday I have been resisted because I have taught from the scriptures, just as my LORD called me to do after my second Spiritual Birthday. The difference between my first three years of teaching and the following fourteen are a matter of the audience. Little People are thirsting for knowledge and as long as you can give them an answer by next week they will stick with you. Adults, on the other hand, have already formed ideologies and are very resistant to those ideologies being scripturally incorrect. Many of the people are preachers and teachers that have attended liberal colleges for their Religious Instruction and they are stuck in their religion.

The problem with being religious is that that is not what God has seeks after. God had a relationship with Adam, He even spent the evenings walking in the Garden with him. In the case of Abraham, I'd like to examine one instance. Before the Angel of God sent the other two angels with Him to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18) He sat down and had a meal with Abraham. During the meal He and Abraham had a conversation about the Son, Abraham thought he would never have. As the Angel of the LORD was leaving with His Messengers, Abraham pleaded with Him for the lives of the righteous in the twin cities. God had a relationship with Abraham also. All of the Prophets and some of the Kings, i.e. David, had relationships with God similar to the one with Moses and God.

The very first Christians were Jews. The Roman Government even considered Christianity to be a sect of Judaism, so do I. The first Christian believers were still Jews, they taught in the Synagogue. Today they are known in the Christian Communities as Completed or Messianic Jews. The reason God set the sons of Israel apart from the world was so that He could and would be revealed to the world and through Jesus, that is exactly what has happened.

Shocking News! Jesus was not and is not a Christian, He was and He is a Jew. Jesus is a son in the lineage of David and the Throne, in Jerusalem, belongs, eternally, to Him. (See the first chapter of Matthew.)

Are these people that have a relationship with Jesus perfect? I cannot speak for the rest but this one, Bill Taylor isn't. Do I and the other “Self Righteous” people, having this relationship have a special privilege? Most assuredly not! Any person on this planet has access to the same relationship with God.

Mat 6:9 "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
Mat 6:10 'Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Mat 6:11 'Give us this day our daily bread.
Mat 6:12 'And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Mat 6:13 'And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.]' (NASB)

The above passage has been used by God to illustrate to, me, what He wants from us. In verse 9 we find we have a purpose in this life. Our purpose, above and beyond anything else is to worship Him. Whether we call him God, LORD, YHWH or any of the other names that are His, we are to do so in a worshipful manor. The follower of God is never heard to exclaim, “Well, J***s C****t!” nor does God damn any thing when we have made a mistake or we are upset. We, of all the people in the world must never, and I repeat never, be heard misusing any name that represents our LORD.

In verse 10 we learn that we are to yearn for the Kingdom of God so much that from the moment we are saved, or as soon there after as is possible, we begin to live in the Kingdom Way. It is not impossible to live in the Kingdom of God before we go to Heaven and God/Jesus does not want us to wait until then to begin living for and in the Kingdom. The method for living this life is found (now stick with me) in the Bible and is further explained in the best commentary ever written, the New Testament. (Ask any Jewish man and he will point you straight to the Bible, a.k.a. the Old Testament. When we have read the entire Bible, as we know it today, we can begin to live the Kingdom Way and as we continue to study the scriptures we will continue to grow more like Jesus.

In verse eleven we see that Jesus is teaching us to depend on nothing but God. A few years back a Priest of another sect of Christianity asked me where to find the scripture that taught us that God helps those that help themselves. When I told him that the idea was very unbiblical he became very upset and I had to give him Psalm 46:10 to show him the truth. He, like many, had been taught to believe that the idea came from the Bible but God demands our complete trust in Him and that we stand still and know that He is God. The idea that God helps those that help themselves is a mix of tradition and scripture and is a heresy.

Verse twelve teaches us the same thing that Matthew 7:1-5 teaches us. While the world loves to jerk the first verse of chapter seven out of context to silence the Christian with, this verse and the following four are teaching us to judge in the same manor that we wish to be judged. If we cannot forgive others, neither will we be forgiven.

And finally, in verse thirteen we see that we must depend on God to keep Satan and his lackeys off of our backs. We are to do this because we have sold our very lives to God and have held nothing back. We have recognized that we and all the universe belong to God. The default is a position that no man should ever seek after for Hell is not a club that is desirable.

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